Run Style Stats: Provides information on:
The running style of the horse:
E (Early) = A horse that exhibits this run style is one that typically vies for the early lead or whose best races are run on the lead. Most horses in this category do not successfully rate behind a pace setter.
E/P (Early/Presser) = A horse that exhibits this run style is one that runs second or third within a few lengths of the lead early before trying to run down the leader. An “E/P” horse, just like an “E” horse, may run on the front end but, unlike an “E” horse, it can be expected to successfully rate behind a pace setter.
P (Presser) = A horse that exhibits this run style is one that runs in the middle-of-the-pack early before trying to run down the leader. A “P” horse may at times run close to the lead but rarely, if ever, challenges for the lead early. Unlike and “S” horse, the “P” horse doesn’t typically run from the rear of the pack in its better races.
S (Sustain or Closer) = A horse that exhibits this run style is one that runs in the back of the pack early before trying to run down the leader.
NA (Not Available) = A horse that is a first time starter or who hasn’t had enough meaningful running lines to accurately assess the horse’s preferred run style.
Early speed points. The numbers range from 0-8 and measure the Early Speed ability of the horse based on its running position and beaten lengths at the first call of recent races. The higher the number, the more early speed a horse has shown in recent races.